Monday, January 4, 2010

Looking Back on Our Trip

Nicole and I met up on New Years Day - The first time we've seen eachother since Peru!
I am happy to inform you that we are STILL BEST FRIENDS! Lol!  ...Travelling can add a lot of tention between two friends! We were able to manage! :) We survived the test! :) Lol!
Nicole and I are both very greatful for our trip to Peru in 2009. We had such an amazing experience. I would recommend travel for everyone. Especially if you feel like you need a shift.....

Victoria was an excellent host. Thank you for having us! :)  Thank you for showing us the rainbow! :)

We exchanged pictures from our cameras >  Here they are! Happy New Year you all!!! I know it will be an amazing year - Time for Change, Growth and Exploration of Possiblities and Making them Happen!



  1. Oh I never even saw this!!!!!!!!! cool!!!

  2. oh, remember the days of our traveling years?! Oh! We still can travel!! Let's do more!
